Landscaping Red Flags in Alexandria  

Landscaping is an easy way to give your home a big personality. What’s often in the background of these creations, is the impact landscaping will have on the foundation of a home. Creating an aesthetically pleasing Alexandria home doesn’t have to come at the expense of your foundation’s integrity. Here are a few things to look out for when thinking about re-landscaping your home.


If your yard is sloped towards the house, water will take that as an invitation to flow down. Improving the grading around your home and changing the slope can make a large impact on the direction of water flow. 


Trees are a beautiful addition to a yard, but it’s important to keep them away from your home’s foundation. You can walk down a sidewalk in Del Ray and see the damage tree roots can do to a sidewalk. Roots are opportunistic and seek space and resources. The distance at which you plant a tree on your property should be determined by how large the tree’s canopy will be when fully mature. If your tree is estimated to have a 30-foot-wide canopy, then your tree should be planted a minimum of 15 feet away from your home.

Downspouts and Gutters

Downspouts are great for diverting water safely away from your home, but not if they’re dumping right next to your home’s foundation. It’s important to make sure your downspouts are at a minimum, dumping 10 feet away from your home. It’s also important to regularly maintain your gutters, to ensure your downspouts are not getting clogged. If you live in an area with lots of foliage, consider getting gutter guards to help prevent excess leaves from coming into your drainage system.


Mulch is a sponge; it loves to soak up water. Mulch is especially great for homeowners who have small plants around their homes because water retention is great for plants. Your foundation, however, does not love that moisture, so it’s important that mulch is not sitting right next to the foundation.

Our Alexandria-based team is here to serve you by providing affordable solutions to protect your home. We can offer subtle, but effective solutions to diverting water away from your home. If you’re unsure of what services might be good for you, allow our team to provide a free consultation and estimate for your property.  

Braswell Waterproofing is now DMV Foundation Solutions - same great service, new name!


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